2025 Categories
Best new food product
For food products launched between 1 Jan 2024 and 31 Dec 2024. Products can be branded, or own label sold through independent or multiple retailers, farm shops, farmers markets, delis etc or directly to the consumer or to the foodservice sector (hotels, bars, restaurants, catering).
This Award is open to all sizes of business and may be split into Small, Medium and Large.
Best New Drink Product
For brewed, distilled and non-alcoholic products launched between 1 Jan 2024 and 31 Dec 2024.
Products can be branded, or own label sold through independent or multiple retailers, farm shops, farmers markets, delis etc or directly to the consumer or to the foodservice sector (hotels, bars, restaurants, catering).
Team of the Year
This award recognises the exceptional achievements of a team that demonstrates outstanding collaboration, works well together effectively, and has a strong leader that is committed to the learning and development of their staff.
Best food and drink tourism experience
Sponsored by Serco Northlink Ferries
For a primary or added value food or drink producer who has created and launched a food and drink experience or event since January 2024, which is successful at attracting visitors both local and from out with the North East. This can include tastings, tours, food or drink festivals, visitor centres and events focussed on celebrating local food and drink.
Best young business
Sponsored by Outsource Laboratory
For a business less than 5 years old that best demonstrates growth through implementation of their unique business model, value proposition, business plan and marketing approach.
For a business that has been established and trading since January 2020.
Business growth award
Sponsored by Scotland Food & Drink
For a business that best demonstrates success through their business model, performance, strategic planning, innovation, and strong leadership.
For a business that has been established 5 years and over i.e., prior to January 2020.
Most Innovative Business
Sponsored by CMS
For a business who can demonstrate a high level of innovation and operational excellence in their company – whether that is in sustainability, digital/business model transformation, e-commerce, supply chain, processes, packaging or products.
Rising Star of the Year
Sponsored by DYW NE
This award recognises a young person’s outstanding contribution and achievement in the North East Scotland food and drink sector, celebrating their commitment, passion and work to develop the industry in the region, their outstanding qualities and potential. The award is open to any person aged between 16 and 30 on 5 June 2024. The individual should be nominated by an employer, colleague, mentor etc.